Frequently Asked Questions
How much are Lessons?
Lesson prices vary from $72/mo. to $255/mo. depending on the class! Check out the options in the menu for each age group to see specific pricing.
Where are you located?
343 Piedmont Ave, in downtown Bristol, VA! Close to Cumberland Park, Blackbird Bakery, and Michael Waltrip Brewing Co.!
What age do you begin lessons?
Great question! We have classes for ages 1-Adult! If you have questions about which class might be perfect for you or your child, we are happy to help!
Do you teach Adults?
YES! We offer private lessons for adults based on our availability. Please contact us to request lessons and get more info!
Do you offer Make Up Lessons?
In order to ensure a flexible schedule, we calculate tuition based on a 42 week lesson year and divide the cost evenly over 12 months. This number takes into account holidays AND the occasional absence from students. Some months a student may have 5 lessons, others only 3. Our flexible model keeps the monthly payment even and makes room for the occasional student absence. Therefore, no make up lessons are needed!
My child has never played before. Is that ok?
Yes! We love teaching beginners!
Is it too late to sign up for a class that has already started?
Nope! If a class is still open for enrollment, we would love to have you!
We will not close a class until it is either full or has been meeting more than 3 weeks.